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      Congratulations Changzhou YangS Mould Co., Ltd. Changzhou Tianyang Mould Co., Ltd. Website revision success£¡  

       Changzhou Yangs Mould Co.,Ltd. (Changzhou Tianyang Rubber £¦ Plastic Mould Co., Ltd.) Which was founded in 1974, has 270 staffs at present is a professional tyre mould and drum research, development and manufacturing manufacturer, and has built the long-term business relationship with more than 30 huge tyre manufacturers.

    Tel:0519-86358290 86351312
    INTERNATION E-mail:hebill@tyremould.com
    CHINA E-mail::yjj@tyremould.com
    Copyright @ 2017 Changzhou YangS Mould Co., Ltd. Changzhou Tianyang Mould Co., Ltd.    ÌKICP‚ä11055351Ì–     [Administrator]
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